Accounting & Payroll Services

We provide a comprehensive range of accounting services that will help you to comply with all the relevant reporting regulations.

Tax Planning & Filling

We help organizations in Tax planning including but not limited to; Corporate Tax, Tax on Rental income, VAT, PAYE, Withholding Tax, Excise Duty, NSSF, NHIF, NITA etc.

Business Advisory and Financial Consultancy

Z & A provides Business Advisory and Financial Consultancy services. Audit is an essential management tool that guides organizations to channel their resources to the key extents of accounts and controls.


Bookkeeping is a basic yet highly important financial service often offered by accounting firms. It involves business valuation and recording all transactions which take place within the business.Bookkeeping is crucial to every business as none can operate successfully without keeping a record of all its financial transactions.

Accounting services

As with bookkeeping, accounting deals with a business valuation, identifying, and recording every financial transaction carried out by the company. The main difference between the two is that while bookkeeping stops at recording, accounting deals with interpreting these records to form a financial statement for the company.

Audit services

There is a need for financial records to be examined from time to time, checking for errors, and if the business is running in compliance with regulations — this is what auditing entails. The auditor is a specialized accountant who works independently and not within the company, and so can form an unbiased opinion about the financial statements of the company, whether it was done fairly, accurately, and in compliance with accounting regulations.

Tax planning and preparation

This is a very common service offered by accounting firms. As almost every business is affected by tax, there is a need to determine your company’s tax liability. You also have to follow up with the ever-changing tax laws and ensure that you comply with the current regulations. You may lack time to prepare your tax return, and submitting your tax return after the deadline may cost you a huge fine. Fortunately, hiring an accountant would help you avoid tax issues, and they would even help you find ways to minimize your tax.

Consulting services

Often, you may find your business in a situation that makes you uneasy and at a loss about what to do. It becomes imperative to consult professional advice from a learned personality or entity that knows all about your business environment and situation. Accounting firms are known for acting as financial consultants, and they use their knowledge to evaluate your current situation, determine the next best step to take, notify you of changes in business regulations within your environment, and advise you on what to do to make your business more efficient and successful.

Special advisory services

Finances are a core aspect of every business, and having your finances handled by a professional can mean the difference between your company’s success or failure. This is where Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) come in. The accounting firm can act as an outsourced CFO, creating important operational and financial policies for the company. They make financial decisions by evaluating the financial statements of the company.

Individual Investors
Brokerage Accounts
Commissionable Trades
Customer Assets


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Have questions regarding your Tax Obligations or Audit, please leave us a message and we will get back to you asap.

How can we help? *

Zngundi & Associates herein referred to as the firm is registered in Kenya under the Accountant’s Act No. 15 of 2008.

The firm is located at Apic Center, Westlands, Nairobi. Its close proximity provides easy access to a cohort of stakeholders.

Copyright 2021 Zngundi. Website by Universal Technologies.